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Remember the good time (2006)

1. forever 18
2. the best day of my life
3. life is not a game
4. get up for your highschool
5. roofs start shaking
6. run for cover
7. we have much to learn
8. rock my life
9. why baby
10. back to that summer
11. angels for all
12. trends
13. friends forever
14. tonight
15. chill out

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Hier reinhören: 

Remember the good time (2005)

1. Forever 18
2. We have much to learn
3. Roofs start shaking
4. Run for Cover

5. Life is not a game
6. Rock my life
7. Why baby
8. Back to that summer
9. Angels for all
10. Trends
11. Tonight
12. Friends Forever
13. Chill Out